




Lutein, a carotenoid found in plants, is another important nutrient shown to help support eye health. The average American diet provides only 823 mcg of lutein. Research shows that 6-20 mg is optimal for eye health.
Lutein is an antioxidant or carotenoid found in large concentrations in the eye. Research shows that lutein intake through diet and supplementation correlates directly to the amount of lutein found in the macula of the eye. Lutein protects the eye by blocking harmful blue light rays. Studies show that those who have adequate levels of lutein in the body are more likely to have healthy eyes, and reduct the risk of suboptimal eye health. Our product contains FloraGLO® lutein which is obtained naturally from the marigold extract and is a proven, purified source of lutein


  • 20 mg FloraGLO® lutein softgel
  • Derived from marigold extract
  • Highest quality raw material ensures optimum purity, potency and safety
  • Backed by research
  • Encapsulated in a color-free softgel
  • Naturally contains 860 mcg of zeaxanthin, another important carotenoid for eye health

Bottle Size: 100cc
Count Size: 60
Description: Oval shaped, deep orange colored softgel
Quantity: 60